Using RFID on your body camera

Guide on how to use RFID for user identification


Please Note: This feature is only available on Horizon cameras and limited to Enterprise customers

What is RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) ? 

RFID is a capability that uses swipe technology to assign cameras to individual users via staff identification. Easy to deploy in multiple settings, RFID improves shift efficiency and increases valuable time on the ground.

The below guide assumes that you have already added your user's RFID card details to HALO Vault. 


To activate RFID on your body camera:

  1. Turn on your body camera by pressing down the power button for 3 seconds 
  2. Hold the P and FN button together for 5 seconds. The camera will vibrate and the screen will display a menu page with two options:
    • RFID/NFC Card
    • On-Board Assignment

  3. Select the RFID/NFC Card option, use the: 
    • P button to navigate up
    • FN button to navigate down
    • Front record button to select.
    • Hold P + FN together for 5 seconds to exit the menu

  4. Once selected, the screen will show Tap Card as shown below:

    The LED on the camera will pulse blue to show the user where to tap their card: 

  5. If the user's RFID card has been added as a user on Vault, it will be recognised as a match and assigned to the user. The screen will display User Assigned

    If the user is not on the list, the screen will  display User doesn't exist. 
    If no card has been tapped, the process will timeout after 60 seconds and return to the menu page

Note: If the user list has been recently updated on Vault, go to the menu page for RFID on the camera. This will run a script to download the latest user list.