Uploading external files to Vault

Guide on how to upload your own videos, images and files to Vault

This feature is useful if you want to upload external media such as footage from previous BWC suppliers, images, or dashcam recordings. 

To upload external media:

  1. Log in to your account via the Halo Vault login page:
    1. UK Login: app.halovault.cam
    2. US Login: app.halovault.us
  2. Navigate to the Videos section (to upload Videos) or the Assets section (to upload other file types) from the sidebar menu.  

  3. If you have access to upload videos, you will be able to click the Upload button. This will open up a Upload to File Manager view
  4. Click the Browse Files button to upload your required files or drag and drop your files directly


If you don’t see the Upload button in your Vault, please contact support@haloeurope.com, and we will enable it for you.