Updating video metadata

Guide on how to update the metadata of your videos

Please note: Videos will only stay in Vault for 30 days. This is the default retention period. After 30 days, the video will be permanently deleted unless it has been marked as evidential. To mark a video as evidential, edit the metadata of the video as per the below instructions and toggle on the evidential switch

To update the metadata of your videos: 

  1. Log in to your account via the Halo Vault login page:
    1. UK Login: app.halovault.cam
    2. US Login: app.halovault.us
  2. Navigate to the Videos section from the sidebar menu
  3. Click on the video of the metadata you want to update. This will open a more detailed view of the selected video
  4. Click on the Edit button on the top right corner of the Metadata section below the video
  5. Update the metadata as required. To mark a video as evidential, toggle on the Evidential switch under Details  
  6. Click the Submit button the save the changes
