Sharing a case file externally

As of March 2024, we have renamed Lightbox to Case Files 

There is a limit of 1000 videos or assets per case file 

What is a case file / lightbox?

Case files (previously known as Lightboxes) allow you to create a collection of videos and assets that can be shared with other users  

What does external sharing mean?

Sharing external means sharing a case file with another user who does not have their own Halo Vault login. To share internally please see Sharing a case file internally

To share a case file externally: 

  1. Log in to your account via the Halo Vault login page:
    1. Europe/UK Login:
    2. US Login:
  2. Navigate to the Case Files section from the sidebar menu. Here, you will be able to see a list of case files that have been created and organised into: 
    • An Internal tab: Displays the case files that the user has access to. 
    • A Shared Externally tab: Display the case files that the user has shared externally. 
    • A Shared with me tab: Displays the case files that have been shared with that user. 
    • All Case Files (Admins only): Displays all case files configured by all users
  3. Click into the case file to share externally. This will open a more detailed view of all videos and assets in the case file
  4. Click the Actions button in the top right corner 

  5. Select Sharing Configuration. This will open a Sharing Configuration setting view.  
  6. Navigate to the External Sharing tab

  7. Click the Edit button
  8. Type the email address of the user to externally share your chosen case file in the Share with text field
  9. Click the Add button to add the user
  10. Continue selecting the names as required. Selected names will appear in the table


  11. Alternatively, toggle the ‘Enable Anonymous access’ switch to allow the case file / lightbox to be shared without requiring the external user to register with a username and password. This will generate a unique URL that can be copied and sent to the desired external user by email, text or other means.


  12. Update the Share Expire Date as required. This is set by default to 31 days but can be amended.

  13. Update the Metadata as required by choosing the metadata on the Available left panel and using the > button to move it into the Selected panel. Toggle the Share Metadata switch on if you want to share the metadata with the external user
  14. Update other configurations such as Apply Watermark or Allow Download if required

  15. Once you are happy with your added users and configuration, toggle on the Active switch 
  16. Selected users will be automatically notified by email
  17. Click the Save button to start externally sharing your case file


Accessing case files as an external user

External users will receive a notification email with a link to the shared case file.

To access the case file, they can click the link provided in the email. If you have not enabled anonymous access, the user will need to register and activate their email to access the file.