HALOS Glossary

Terms you may see when using HALOS products

Terms Definition
Body Worn Camera (BWC) A wearable camera that captures audio/video content 
Body Worn Video (BWV) A  video captured on a body worn camera device
Case File (previously known as Lightbox) A collection of videos and assets that can be shared with other internal or external users 
Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) A centralised and cloud based platform that allows you to store, upload and manage assets / files 
Horizon Our body camera device offering with 4G capabilities
Lightbox (renamed to Case File) A collection of videos and assets that can be shared with other internal or external users 
Nano  Our small lightweight body camera device offering
On-Board Assignment (OBA) Our camera feature that allows users to be assigned directly from the camera
Pool A system repository assigned to a team for storing content. Each team has its own pool, where assets such as videos and other files are uploaded and stored
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) A capability that uses swipe technology to assign cameras to individual users via staff identification. 
Site A system grouping to link certain cameras together
Team  A collective group of users and cameras