Editing the name of case files

Guide on how to edit the name or notes of a case file

As of March 2024, we have renamed Lightbox to Case Files 

There is a limit of 1000 videos or assets per case file 

Case files (previously known as Lightboxes) allow you to create a collection of videos and assets that can be shared with other users  

To edit a case file: 

  1. Log in to your account via the Halo Vault login page:
    1. UK Login: app.halovault.cam
    2. US Login: app.halovault.us
  2. Navigate to the Case Files section from the sidebar menu. Here, you will be able to see a list of case files that have been created and organised into:
    1. An Internal tab: Displays the case files that the user has access to. 
    2. A Shared Externally tab: Display the case files that the user has shared externally. 
    3. A Shared with me tab: Displays the case files that have been shared with that user. 
    4. All Case Files (Admins only): Displays all case files configured by all users
  3. Click into the case file to edit. This will open a more detailed view of all videos and assets in the case file
  4. Click the Actions button in the top right corner 

  5. Select Edit Case File. This will open a view that allows you to edit the name and notes of your case file 
  6. Update the necessary fields and click Submit to save your changes