Guide on how to download videos or assets from a case file
As of March 2024, we have renamed Lightbox to Case Files
What is a case file / lightbox?
Case files (previously known as Lightboxes) allow you to create a collection of videos and assets that can be shared with other users
To download videos or assets from a case file:
- Log in to your account via the Halo Vault login page:
- UK Login:
- US Login:
- Navigate to the Case Files section from the sidebar menu. Here, you will be able to see a list of case files that have been created and organised into:
- An Internal tab: Displays the case files that the user has access to.
- A Shared Externally tab: Display the case files that the user has shared externally.
- A Shared with me tab: Displays the case files that have been shared with that user.
- All Case Files (Admins only): Displays all case files configured by all users
- Click into the case file to download videos or assets from. This will open a more detailed view of all videos and assets in the case file
- Tick the checkboxes next to the videos or assets to download. This option will only be available depending on your permissions.
- Once you have made your selections, click the Download button at the top. The selected videos or assets will automatically download the selected videos or assets as per your browser settings